15 Signs You Have Complicated Grief a Spiritual Malady LonerWolf

spiritual malady

I’ve been on a healing journey for 4 years now since “waking up” and I’ve seen a big change in them since meeting them a year ago. It seems as if they are wanting the “high life” with money, mansions, crypto, etc. They seem very judgemental of everyone and it’s just not my thing.

  • Physical threats come in the forms of things like infections – prions, viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and mycelia, or things like toxins—pollutants, pesticides, radiation, medications, and substances of addiction.
  • St. Ignatius of Loyola defines scruple as “when I freely decide that that is sin which is not sin.” The scrupulous conscience sees sin where there is none.
  • I hope that during the course of this article, I have communicated myself clearly.
  • And this article is also for those who have experienced grief so profound that it has become chronic and debilitating.

The Spiritual Malady of Addiction: What Is It Exactly?

spiritual malady

On top of that I also experienced the dark night of the soul. But I’m a fighter, did a lot of soul work, survived and eventually thrived. Journaling is a simple but powerful way to process your grief and get it all out in a physical, tangible form. Try journaling first thing in the morning when your mind is at its freshest (but any time during the day is totally fine). Feel free to vent all your feelings and let it all out.

Issue 2: Dark Spiritual Teachers

As a result of this thought process, the spiritual illness they’re up against is at the core of their addiction. As overwhelming as I’m sure this all may seem for someone who’s either never had a spiritual connection, or been disconnected for years, I’d like to assure you it’s not as formidable as it may seem. But first, it’s crucial that you understand the difference between a spiritual experience and a religious one. While I could go on forever on the differences between these two ideas, I’ll keep it as simple as possible. If you are seeking drug and alcohol related addiction rehab for yourself or a loved one, the YourFirstStep.org hotline is a confidential and convenient solution. For example, one can engage in psychotherapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

What is Complicated Grief?

Read our article on how to start journaling for more help. Those who have sensitively wired nervous systems (highly sensitive people) and deep feelers (empaths) are at risk of developing complicated grief simply due to their personality type/disposition. This is not to say that all HSPs or empaths will develop complex grief, but for some, there is certainly the possibility – especially if there has been a history of unresolved trauma. The practice of compassion is a spiritual experience with a spillover benefit—compassion breeds more compassion.

  • The feelings of loss, longing, emptiness, and sorrow that you’re experiencing mirror exactly what those undergoing a Dark Night experience.
  • Perfect for any soul seeker serious about practicing ongoing shadow work and self-love.

We have to be aware of this phenomenon in everything we do and we have to be willing to look directly at this reality to be aware and correct course. This spiritual malady, or spiritual disconnection, is the driving force behind our addiction and self-destructive behaviors. Without addressing this spiritual malady, we have absolutely no hope for intrinsic change or recovery. It is this notion that the fellowship of AA was founded upon, and how millions of recovered alcoholics equate their success in overcoming a seemingly hopeless situation.

Both phenotypes are helpful for survival, but long-term defense states are ultimately destructive to us. We are inherently a spiritual species, and yet, we fill the world with so many aspiritual and anti-spiritual constructs and behaviors. The reality is we are both a spiritual and an aspiritual species. These traits defy written or verbal description, as they convey an innate understanding of the cosmos and are also transient, meaning the experiences do not last forever.

spiritual malady

Our Church Life

spiritual malady

While an addict’s spiritual malady triggers a compulsive need to use drugs, other people’s spiritual conflicts may take the form of a gambling problem, anxiety, depression, or eating disorder. This resistance to anything spiritual is the biggest obstacle some addicts confront. To beat their addiction, people must face the reality that there is indeed a power larger than themselves.

spiritual malady

Complex Grief and Being a Highly Sensitive Person

Again, please use this advice as a supplement to seeking professional psychological help. Sometimes the nervous system is so inundated that it needs intervention by a trained therapist or psychiatrist. But as horrible as the Dark Night sounds (and it is), it is a crucial part of the spiritual journey – the journey to reconnect with the loving, wise, and Divine part of us that is our Soul. Complicated grief is what happens when a person, after experiencing a major loss, struggles to move through the natural cycle of grief and instead becomes trapped in their pain and devastation.

What is Spiritual Healing?

So, what is the cure for physical, mental, emotional, shadow, social and spiritual illness, and disease? It is simply to move people away from threat and towards safety. No amount of reason or spiritual malady rationalization with someone under threat, who is physiologically incapable of reason in that moment, will work. No amount of reason, rationalization, or punishment, will restore their sight.